Tomorrow is the annual opening of rifle whitetail deer here in Northern Michigan and everyone flocks to the woods leaving our rivers pretty much wide open from fishing pressure! The next couple weeks is one of my favorite times to fish here on the Au Sable. But I guess I say that often and the same can be said about December. Currently fishing has been pretty good of late. Been a few days where weather has sure not helped but that is just how November goes every year. Middle 50’s for highs this week and how can you beat that! No real winter in sight yet but I’m sure its coming. Steelhead numbers continue to increase and more adult fish are showing up. Had a good batch of young 2 year old and many just 2-3 lbs since mid October. Some more rain I’m sure would help this! Atlantic Salmon fishing remains good. The last couple weeks had a bunch of them spawning but fresh fish continue to trickle in. This should continue thru December. The post spawning Atlantics get hungry again now! They love siting in log pile looking for minnows. Coho are still around but numbers have dropped of late. Many of these have spawning out and died. Really been enjoyable seeing this much larger run this year. I don’t think its over for the Coho yet. Bet you see another batch in December.