Coming into a great time to fly fishing the shoreline of Lake Huron with water temps over 40 degrees now. I was back after these toothy predators last week and getting into these Northern Pike! In and around marines, river mouths and shallow structures on first drop off is the place right now. Balls of bait fish are what attract this guys and they love to eat! I spent a bit of time last fall with my first attempt at fly fishing for Musky and came close – ready for more now this spring! A few smelt and shad should start showing up at some of the river mouths along with stocked steelhead enter Lake Huron. This attracts a variety of species – Lake Trout, Brown Trout, Atlantic Salmon and list keeps going! I will be fishing this guys over the next couple weeks.

We are about a month off from Smallmouth Bass time in Lake Huron and I’m booking trips for May and early June but dates are limited with my calendar filling up. Here is link to my web site and some Smallmouth & Great Lakes fly fishing photos: