Typically August is just to hot for my liking! This year and has been much better with only a couple little heat waves. Even seeing a few leaves turning on the Maple trees! It sure is nice to see the Au Sable in good shape now also. Water levels are a bit low but temps in the Big Waters are in the mid 60’s and ideal for the trout fishing. After a few years of watching the August Ephron hatch greatly decline in numbers it sure is back this year and throughout the Big Waters. Dark Hex have been heavy also but seem to be fading of late. The White Fly hatch has always been a tough one but it can still produce a big Brown! Best advice is nymphing before hatch and continue when hatch starts. These mayflies leave the water extremely fast and it doesnt lead to good rising trout. This bug molts in air just after hatching and is ready to go as spinner is a very short time. After dark spinner falls is what produce a few good trout. When get the white out hatch you need to stay late and let the mess run out! I got this one sipping spinners about week ago there have a few big browns caught of late on this hatch – just not a lot!