Hex Hatch Continues But Not In Big Numbers
This popular hatch typically is peaking in many places in Northern Michigan and the Au Sable River right now. Well not this year as everything came 2-3 early. Are there […]
This popular hatch typically is peaking in many places in Northern Michigan and the Au Sable River right now. Well not this year as everything came 2-3 early. Are there […]
Moon phase can have a big impact on how our Big Browns feed at night. Dark phases are just ideal for nighttime mousing. With brighter moons we hope for cloud […]
Tis the season for night time mousing! All of our mouse patterns are currently in stock now and ready to ship! https://michigan-streamside.com/product-category/flies/mouse-patterns/
I will be down to do some night fish this August on the White River and been talking to friends of late about how this awesome river is fishing. Here […]
With current heat wave and low water on the Au Sable water are running at or above 70 degrees around the clock. That’s the water below Parmalee Bridge to Mio […]
It sure been a different kind of year for our hatches with everything come so early this year. In Northern Michigan everyone wants the late night Hex Hatch with Big […]
My plans are all set for this coming winter in Arkansas on the White River. I start up just after New Years and staying thru March. Back to my favorite […]
New box of SA Frequency Magnum Taper fly line in yesterday. 5wt thru 8wt. This is what I use for all of my night time dry fly fishing. Ideal on […]
Everything has started early this year after a lack of snow and not really a winter! Had Brown Drakes, Iso and Hex all in May this year which is rare. […]
Every thing has come early this year! Brown Drakes kicked in the 3rd week of May along with a couple hex. Had some big nights in the mainstream of the […]