Still could be a few hennies hatching and spinner falls but they are really on the way out. Was not a banner May for this bug but it still produced some nice trout. Lower water and more heat is what we need for more consistent dry fly fishing! The last few night our 2nd major hatch has started in the Big Waters and it’s time for small yellow bugs. Sulphur hatch has started and they are great evening bug. This hatch can come in big numbers and bring up some good browns. If heat comes look for spinner fall to last well into darkness. Here a release video that our guide Eric Swies shot last night of a big brown on a Sulphur dry fly.
Here is the little Sulphur Dun

For this hatch my favorite pattern is a Roberts Yellow Drake in size #16 and #18. Hard to beat this pattern for this hatch. My favorite spinner pattern a Jerry Regan spent wing Sulphur spinner in size #16. We carry both of these patterns in our online fly sales: