Been an excellent spring so far on the Au Sable streamer fishing! Look for this to continue thru May if we keep getting these cool periods and some rain. Water levels have been lower this year which has not helped the streamer bite at times but biggest key is to hit low light periods. Surprising we do did get some wonderful Browns in bright sun but every evening is an ideal low light period. Rain and rising water is what really gets streamer bite going like pic below!

Michigan loves dumping little Rainbows in our trout streams and calling it stocking – big Browns love to eat Rainbows. I have been told that these stocked rainbows and browns stress out our wild fish trout – they might, from eating to many of them! With the lower water in general this year it has not been the huge patterns working but 3-6″ has been ideal. Our Great Lake Deceiver in rainbow, olive/yellow, olive white, Sluggo in same colors, Sculpin Patterns – Circus Peanut and variations of it, Slop Mop 4″ size and Viking Midge.
As we get further into May streamers really need to drop in size with crayfish and minnow patterns top producers. Even dead drifting these can work so well.