The Winter is going so fast here in Arkansas on the White River! Just a few more weeks here and then its back to home to the Au Sable River and Northern Michigan. Late March is great time for those looking to streamer fish throughout the Au Sable for Big Brown Trout. We offer trips in the upper river and in the Big Waters of the Au Sable. April is just a great streamer month and then dry fly season starts in early May with the Hendrickson Hatch. Our early spring Browns are not a numbers game but the hunt for Trophy Trout. We do have Spring dates open and if interested in trip either email at [email protected] or my cell is 989-889-5374

April and the first half of May is the time for the lower river and our Spring Steelhead run coming from Lake Huron. Always a few bright Atlantic Salmon mixed in with these which is very cool. The Au Sable is one of the later run river in the Michigan lower peninsula. Bright silver fish are very common in May. As water temps warm up, May can be an excellent time to streamer fish for these Steelhead.

Late April or early May is the kick off to our dry fly season with Hendrickson Hatch on the Au Sable. This is afternoon or evening hatch and one of the few hatches on Au Sable where big trout will rise in middle of afternoon. Typically we start the day off strippin streamers and switch to dry fly fishing when the hatch starts. Love this time of year!