Love these kind of days for July and its what the river needed – all day light rain and cool! After some extremely hot weather around the 4th of July this is our second rain of the week and Au Sable is back to being in great shape to fish. Still hex around the Au Sable, Manistee and many other rivers in Northern MI! Even saw heavy spinner falls right around the 4th. Fishing pressure is way down as social media has a way with many. The first mention of hex brings out every boat wanting to fish hex hatch. Then the first mention its over and everyone is gone! Hex hatch always goes well into July on most river. But some nights of late spinner falls can last only 20 minutes. The way I see it just long enough to catch a couple big trout on dries! Mousing is starting to produce of late and ideal after small hex spinner falls. Moon phase keeps improving now and its getting smaller. The rest of July should be ideal with New Moon on the 17th. Here some pics from the past week from my boat. I start next week with all night mousing float trips and do have some dates open July.

With lower Big Waters of the Au Sable running warm this time of year like it always does the Smallmouth Bass are getting very active! This time of year its daytime streamer fishing and evening top water. Yesterday we float mid day till late evening. Started out stripping and swinging streamers – Murdich Minnows, Zoo Cougar, JJ Special and Mini Dungeon. Murdich Minnow in chartreuse/white and grey/silver produced the most action. Like many days the evening top water bite was the best! Love the booglebug popper in green or chartreuse.