We have had a good first month of Atlantic Salmon on the Au Sable River! Numbers have been good so far this year and fresh run fish keep coming every day. Steelhead continue to trickle in and look for those numbers to increase with upcoming rain. Currently a few old Kings are spawning looking below these are a great place for early run Steelhead. Atlantics are not really into the egg bite much – minnows, sculpins, gobies and leeches is more what they prefer. Swinging small streamers is what has been producing of late. Look to shallow structure for holding the best biting Atlantics and they love sitting in front of logs and posts.

Coho and Steelhead have been chasing our streamers also of late. Not big numbers of either in the river right now but numbers will keep building. Late November/December has always been a peak time Steelhead on the Au Sable and here in NE Michigan.