The latest heat wave brought out the Brown Drakes right on schedule June 1 throughout the Au Sable. Water temps have sure been high but night time temps were still good and finally some cooler nights of late. Over all dry fly fishing in late evenings and after dark has been very good. Isonychia or Iso is the next Drake up and just starting to hatch. This one is not talked about as much as some of the other Mayflies but trout love to eat them in June and throughout the entire summer. Iso like swift riffles and hatches will start in evenings if temps are not to hot. This nymph is top producer and sure doesnt need to be dead drifted. Iso nymphs are swimmers and lots of movement on nymph is very productive. Fish them like a little streamer in the fast riffles. On different hatching patterns also put some action on them. Like fishing a stone fly. Look for heavy spinner falls right around dark.

Here is my favorite Iso nymph pattern tied by Steve Yewchuck on swimming hook. We stock this pattern and top producer this time of year:

Some of my favorite Iso patterns for the Au Sable and Manistee Rivers. Regan Rusty Spinner, Sheets Extend Spinner and Mccoy Iso Dun are all top producers.