Been looking for a while and finally found the perfect fit for Streamside! Good friend and top notch fly fishing and bird hunting guide. Going to expand our water to the entire Au Sable – Grayling to Oscoda.

Cameron started fly fishing on the North Branch of the Au Sable River at the age of 10, in Northern Michigan. For the last 15 years Cameron has been guiding in Colorado on famous trout streams and rivers. Over the last few years he’s been guiding in February – March, in Arkansas, on the White River for trophy Browns.
Cameron’s industry experience also includes working in fly shops, traveling to fly fishing shows throughout the country, teaching fly tying and hosting trips and schools for anglers of all expereince levels.
Eager to return to his home waters, Cameron will be guiding salmon, steelhead, trout and small mouth trips.
In addition to being a fly fishing guide, Cameron guides waterfowl and upland hunting trips. Growing up with English Setters and Pointers, he’s excited to get back to Michigan for the upland hunting opportunities. Patient, and with a great sense of humor, Cameron has been married for almost 20 years to his wife Kelly. They have a beautiful daughter, Addison, who accompanies him on fishing and hunting trips on his days off.