My favorite time of the summer and we are right in the middle of the Hex Hatch in Northern Michigan! This night time hatch started in very early June and I’m starting the 4th week now. Hoping for another 3 weeks and keep moving to cooler water as hatch continues.

This year’s hatch is just like every year for timing and amount of bugs – greatly influenced by weather/conditions. Heat wave and low water on the Au Sable did get Hex going very early off of its lower ponds. With the prolonged heat hatch was condensed and sure did not last as long as some year but did produce some excellent fishing! During the heat wave many sections of rivers in Northern Michigan did over heat with temps in 70 degrees. Hot water needs to be avoid as it will kill trout that are hooked. Best to carry thermometer and always plenty of cold water if you look for it.
Currently Big Waters of Au Sable is pretty much over for Hex. That section did over heat very badly but now in great shape temp wise but water levels are very low. Iso hatch is going well and great time to fish iso nymphs in the riffle and dry flies just before dark. Iso, Cahill and Olives are the summer hatches in the Big Waters.
Hex are going strong in all of hex water from Grayling to Mio Pond on Au Sable. Will some sections have no bug some nights? Yeeeees they will! Will some sections have to many bugs some nights? YES again! Warmer sections of Au Sable and its branches will end first. Colder and deeper section will last longer. That what makes the Hex Hatch so much fun – picking the right section on a given night and finding a Big Brown!

The last couple nights temps have been very cold with lows in the lower to mid 30’s. Shocking how many hex duns and spinners still came! On the cold nights the key is to sit on slit flats. Duns will hatch and spinners are not going to fly far. Weather now is starting to heat up again no high heat is in forecast. Should be ideal tonight!!