It won’t be long now for Kings to start running the rivers of North West Michigan! Its been a hot summer here so far and some years we have fishable numbers by now but that is not the case right now. Next good batch of North winds and some rain should do it. I will be staying in the Frankfort area again this year for 6-7 weeks and be chasing Kings and Coho everyday! I still have a few dates open in my calendar in late August/September if your looking for a guided float trips. For Kings I do offer trips for both the fly and spinning anglers. The last couple weeks of August and the first part of September is the hunt for those big silver bright Kings!

For the fly fishing angler we either fish egg patterns, nymphs and leeches down deep or we strip large streamers on sink tips.

For spinning rod anglers its casting Thundersticks and crankbaits. When that is not working its bobber/skein and this is a very productive method for good biting Kings.