It sure been a different kind of year for our hatches with everything come so early this year. In Northern Michigan everyone wants the late night Hex Hatch with Big Browns eating dry flies in the dark! This year we started seeing a few spinner the third week of May which I have never seen this early. Heavy spinner fall by late May and early June. Been some down time on the Hatch when a cold nights but now here comes the heat again.
Neil with a beautiful Brown that was sipping hex spinners around 1am at the beginning of June.

Currently on the Au Sable all the sections that have hex are just starting, going strong or winding down. For my guide service I’m on this hatch for 6-7 weeks with multiple rivers I float. It’s every night till mid July or till hatch runs out.
After hex hatch is over its all night floats with mouse patterns for July and August.