With the current orders from our Michigan governor no guide trips till May 1st now. I have still been fishing but it’s all solo of late as others are not allowed in boat – social distancing. I’m filling up my May calendar starting then. If another set back comes along we will refund deposits or reschedule dates. Early May on the Au Sable should be peak Steelhead and our first major hatch of Dark Hendrickson’s with afternoon dry fly fishing. Also some streamer fishing for Big Browns and hopefully a few Atlantics in lower river. I do offer trips in May for Steelhead in morning and chasing Browns in the afternoon for those that like a long day! Currently been some nice Atlantics and Steelhead in the lower river and good streamer action for Browns in the Big Waters.
Last week shot this video swinging streamers for Atlantics in the lower river – these are such awesome fish!
Got to love a day of swinging flies on the Au Sable with a two handed fly rod and to able to land steelhead and Atlantic Salmon!

For those that like to strip streamers for Big Browns of late it has been real good! Conditions pretty much ideal with plenty of rain this spring and lots of cloudy weather. Baitfish patterns and large sculpin patterns have both been work in size of 4-6 inches.