Been a great few weeks here in Northern, MI, between chasing salmon and upland bird hunting. Our salmon run on the Betsie river has been one of the better runs we have seen in a few years. Lots of happy clients catching lots of fish! We love the options we have this time of year.
Coming up we will still have some good quality salmon around for another two weeks . We are already seeing steelhead been caught above the dam. So, you have a chance of catching some steel! We are also entering our streamer season for chasing quality brown trout. Atlantic Salmon will also be starting to run in the lower Au sable river. We love these hard chasing biting fish!

In between a few days off chasing king salmon, I have been out chasing grouse and woodcock. Let me tell you – the grouse numbers look great this year. Dogs are and great shape and ready for the next month and half. We offer some great cast and blast opportunities.
Come enjoy the great outdoors!!!