Been a strange weather pattern this summer here in Northern Michigan. We started out so incredibly dry but now the drought is sure over! Lots of water in all our rivers now and the Au Sable is an ideal level. We have had a lot of temperature swings from very cool night to extremely hot. During these cooler periods the hopper bite has been very good! Currently you need to give the Au Sable a break as today on August 12th the system is very over heat. But this will pass soon. Last week the Mio was in their 60’s and fished well. Matt got this beautiful Brown Trout hopper fishing.

Hopper with a dropper swimming Iso nymph or a prince nymph is top combo. Not sure what they they think this is but my pink hopper has been fishing well. This pattern is called a western lady and can be purchased from my friends down on the White River. They have huge selection of hoppers:

This summer fishing them right till dark has been ideal. Running down the log piles of the Au Sable!

Until temps drop on the Au Sable we have some excellent top water fishing going on now for Smallmouth Bass in the lower Au Sable!