I wait every year for this time and always hope ice doesn’t come to early! One fish that is so plenty in Lake Huron is Lake Trout. Most of the year they live in very deep water but in late fall they follow in all of the baitfish and feed heavy along the shoreline. Ideal for the fly angler who likes to streamer fish! Some years shoreline and marines are full of ice by now but not this year. Everything is wide open! Emerald shiners and Gizzard Shad are two of the most common minnows these big Lakers are feeding on. Also they love small perch. 8wts and sink tips are what we are using now. Airflo makes just perfect streamer line for this fish – Streamer Max Shoalhead in 280 grain. Our Great Lakes Deceiver is my top producing pattern along some other minnow imations and goby patterns. Spring time in April the same thing is happening and they really key in on Smelt and stocked steelhead. So many good places to fish now – Oscoda, Harrisville, Tawas Bay and Thunder Bay all produce. I will be doing guide trips in Lake Huron till the end of the year and then I leave for Arkansas and White River the first week on January. Then its back to chasing Big Browns all winter.