Its only end of the first week in April and snow & ice has been gone for weeks. Also currently water are very low on the Au Sable. That typically means are first major hatch will be here early – Dark Hendrickson. This is the one hatch that can bring up Big Browns in the afternoon and evening. My guess is in the Big Waters last 10 days of April things should take off. This bug loves a nice cool wet days for huge afternoon hatches. For spinner falls warm and dry evening is ideal. On a ideal heavy Hennie hatch we do find them in class feeding away all afternoon.

Here is what a Hendrickson dun looks like in size 12 and 14. These are all tied by Jerry Regan and my favorite patterns for this hatch.

During this hatch its an ideal time to float river and streamer fishing with your dry rods rigged and ready to go. Strip and jig streamers till hatch takes off. Lots of baitfish and sculpins are ideal this time of year.

This is also pre spawn period for our Smallmouth Bass and they are on the feed! Great time for those looking for larger river Smallies. Our state loves to stock little 3-5 inch trout and this time of year these Smallmouth and Brown Trout do feed heavy on them. Our Great Lakes Deceiver is great spring pattern and one of the reasons it was first tied.