Dry fly season is in full swing here on the Au Sable and throughout Northern Michigan. Dark Hendrickson has been up and down the last couple weeks which is always the case every year – weather related but have had some good days! Light Hendrickson has started also and Sulphur will be booming soon. Will making some more detailed hatch posts every week.
I have been expanding my online sales since last fall with fly rods, reels, lines and now more flies. Finally a good selection of dry flies! Have carried Jerry Regan dries for year’s and they are my favorites. Got some killer new patterns in from Montana Fly Company – Sulphurs, Isonychia, Brown Drakes, Grey Drakes, Hex, Mice and more. Top patterns of were designed by top fly tiers – Sheets, Galloup, McCoy, Yewchuck. Pictured below are a few of the new patterns I have in stock now. For complete listing and online sales: https://michigan-streamside.com/product-category/flies/dry-flies/