Weather seems like it just keeps getting stranger as time goes on! No rain in this May for the last few weeks and lots of bright sunny beautiful days. Doesn’t make for the best afternoon fishing on the Au Sable River. The good part about this low water and these warm days is the dry fly fishing in the late evening and around dark till well after dark has been excellent. Mid afternoon floats are for those working on there sun tan this week – not for catching Big Browns! Evening till dark Sulphur hatch continues heavy of late. Last hour of light look for heavy March Brown and Sulphur spinner falls that last till well after dark. Lots of different mayflies now and all the precursors for the Brown Drakes are here. In the early Drake waters of the Au Sable look for them this week!
Here are a couple beautiful Browns from past few days and they were caught dry fly fishing on a Regan #14 spend wing Sulpher Spinner.

When sulphur hatch starts in the late evening look for few trout to start rising and a Roberts Yellow Drake #14 is ideal. Sometimes in oversize can also work early.

When it comes to my favorite rod and reel this time of year to dry fly fish just love this combo – Winston 9′ 5wt Air 2 with Bauer RVR. Always have this setup in boat on float trips!

Here is my smoker filled at my house – guide lunches for the coming week. I always have quality grilled lunch or dinner on the river with my guided float trips.