Au Sable River Atlantic Salmon from Dec 12th. Swinging the fly on a Winston 13’3″ 7wt Kairos Two Handed. Very aggressive Atlantic and just crushed the fly.
Winter has pretty much settled in now on the Au Sable River and main spawning run of Atlantic Salmon is over. But some post spawning Atlantics are still in the river and some will stay all winter. These will feed and at times are very aggressive. Two methods have produced: streamers fished on a sink tip or indicator/floating line with small nymphs or egg patterns. Some of our most productive streamer has been bright and flashy Intruders in white/silver or copper/gold. Also goby patterns and my favorite of late has been the Mud Puppet. This time of year are main focus in the lower river is Steelhead but it’s been very cool of late getting the bonus Atlantic Salmon!

Mud Puppet – A Pat Cohen streamer that is one of my favorites for Steelhead and Atlantic Salmon on the Au Sable River.