The two last major hatches on the Au Sable River happen here in August and can provide some excellent dry fly fishing for trout & smallmouth bass. These dark hex are a different species than the ones that hatch in June and currently are going in the lower Big Waters of the Mio water. These bugs hatch heavy thru all the lower ponds of the Au Sable and are going strong right now.

These bugs don’t wait for dark and look for them to start showing up around 8pm. In the lower ponds of the Au Sable this hatch makes for some good Smallmouth Bass dry fly fishing! Here are some pictures from yesterday and had some great action right before dark.

Spinner falls are the best for feeding Smallies and these bugs can get very thick. If too heavy it can make it very tough to get them to eat a dry at times. Then switch over to a popper. Currently water temps in the Mio water are ideal for trout fishing and these hex are going now. Biggest key is very realistic patterns.

The Ephoron hatch or White Fly has started a bit. Saw one big night last week and of late just a trickle. With heat coming back look for snow storms to start soon! The whole key on this hatch is water temps and right about 64 degrees which is awesome. Hatch comes heavy in the late evening and then comes the spinner fall with is most productive.

Swinging nymphes in the riffles can be productive just before hatch starts. As bugs start hatching wet flies are top producers. Most of your good Browns come on spinner patterns and it can last into darkness.