More rain came thru Au Sable River system yesterday and it was much needed! River is still low but in great shape with all the cool weather of late. Been a while since I have seen a mid June with nice cool water throughout the system. Night Fishing can get tough in the cold but these trout want to feed and can still produce some Big Browns. Need to sit on spinner fall water on warm nights and hatching water when its cold. Thought Brown Drake were done but still some good hatches/spinner falls this week in some sections. Iso hatch has been a good pre game for the main event of the last week – HEX! Iso are bug with lots of movement. Strip swimming nymphs in riffles. Fish hatching patterns like a stone fly with lots of movement.

Here are two of my favorite Hex patterns and a real one. Regan Hex natural spinner on right and Streamside Hex spinner on left. Both are top producers! We do have full selections of patterns and orders being shipped daily:

Here is a few nights ago where we had ideal hatches! Started with Iso duns around 7pm. Then came Brown Drakes spinners around dusk with few Hex spinner. After dark came good Hex spinners till midnight. Trout were on them!