Photo above was my first day back on my home water in NE Michigan! I was in NW Michigan from late August till October 1st. My thing home was to go check on the Au Sable River and look for Atlantic Salmon. Even with the lack of rain this Fall and much warmer than normal temps there sure were some nice Atlantics in the lower river. Not nearly the numbers of the past years when typically starts the 3rd week of September. Coho have been slow in coming but finally have started also.

Late last week with more cooler nights numbers of Atlantics and Coho keep increasing! Even starting to see a couple steehead!

Currently be ready for low water! Floating lines have working great and also just a sink leaders on our two handed fly rod setups. Minnow/shiner patterns just below the surface have been producing along with sculpin patterns. Dry flies its time of October Caddis and surface bombers have also had some action.

Mostly been younger Atlantics in the river now but late last week started seeing more adult fish on there way upstream. They just love the shallow logs of the lower river! Bite should keep improving as water temps drop. With no spawning activity now its just a great time to swing or strip a streamer for aggressive bright Atlantic/Coho/Steelhead