Atlantic Salmon started early this year on the Au Sable River and they have been showing up for the last couple weeks now. The last few days of heat has sure not helped the fishing conditions but heading in right direction now. Rain showers this early morning as I’m typing and much cooler weather has started. Nights in the 30’s coming over weekend. Fall is sure not peak yet but again could be in another week.
I really enjoy my pre guide season fishing on all of the seasons but one of my favorites is chasing Atlantics! These fish can go from completely ignoring you, to a super aggressive smash of a swung streamer or could start rising to bugs on the surface at any time of the day. Afternoons can be one of the best bite windows. Often these fish are not a numbers game like the King Salmon on our Lake Michigan tributaries but some days when bite take off we can landed double digits.
Here is beautiful Atlantic from my fishing yesterday that ate a swung fly!

With the current low water floating and long leaders or short sink tip of 6-8′ is ideal right now. In this extremely clear water right now flourocarbon leaders are very effective and Airflo are my favorites. Flourocarbon is thinner than mono and also sinks faster. One of most effective ways of sinking a streamer with very little weight is long thin leaders and no sink tip.