Been so looking forward to October all year and chasing Atlantic Salmon in lower Au Sable River! Turned into one of my favorites to fish and guide!! Been fish around the last couple weeks but starting to increase now along with a fair amount of Coho. This sets up so well for those that like to streamer fish! Swinging streamers on two handed fly rods or strippin them. Currently water levels are very low and river is very clear. This is ideal Atlantic Salmon but need adjust your set up. Floating line are ideal now. Skating bombers and mouse patterns has had good actions the last two mornings and yesterday one finally ate (pictured below) on the surface. Minnow, leech, goby and sculpin patterns are productive now. Also dont be afraid to go very small on patterns as these fish can see great and a little changes can produce aggressive take. We got rainy days coming now and blue wing olive hatches will happen and have seen them eating them in the past. Fall caddis dries could sure work also! Will be fishing these along with Steelhead and Coho thru the end of the year.